Research fields
Current Reserch Topics
Holographic memory
Colinear holographic memory
Polarization holographic memory
Polychromatic reconstruction for nondestructive readout
Photorefractive Materials for Holographic memory
Ultrafast spin manipulation - Opto-magnonics
Inverse Faraday effect and Inverse Cotton-Mouton effect in antiferromagnets
Control of spin wave emission in ferrimagnet
Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy in antiferromagnet
Photogalvanic effect
Photogalvanic effect in GaP with ultrashort laser pulses
Passed Reserch Topics
Wavelength Conversion and Compression of Ultra-short pulses
Tilted QPM
Soliton Pulse Compression
Generation of Mid-infrared Pulse
Optical Trapping
Sorting of Micro Particle Using Double well Potential
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